Can You Drink The Water In Puerto Escondido? 2023 Updates
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Can You Drink The Water In Puerto Escondido? 2023 Updates

In the following post, I explain whether or not you can drink the water in Puerto Escondido, as well as the rest of Mexico, to help you on your backpacking trip. This post covers everything you need to know about drinking water in Puerto Escondido and throughout Mexico. When backpacking, you’ll find different countries have…

Getting Around Puerto Escondido in 2023: A Complete Guide
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Getting Around Puerto Escondido in 2023: A Complete Guide

In the following post, I explain the best ways for getting around Puerto Escondido. This content was written in November, 2022. At the time of writing, this information is correct and up to date. When you are planning a trip to Puerto Escondido, it’s important to know the different ways you can get around. In…

Turtle Release Puerto Escondido, Playa Bacocho (2023)
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Turtle Release Puerto Escondido, Playa Bacocho (2023)

Looking for more information on the turtle release in Puerto Escondido, on Playa Bacocho? This post outlines everything you need to know! Releasing a baby turtle into the ocean in Puerto Escondido really was one of those ‘pinch-me’ moments. We didn’t really know what to expect, and we had no idea just how special it…

How to get to Punta Allen from Tulum, Mexico (2023)
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How to get to Punta Allen from Tulum, Mexico (2023)

Need to know how to get to Punta Allen from Tulum? This post explains the best ways to get to Punta Allen from Tulum to make your trip as easy as possible. There is a lot of misleading information on the Internet when it comes to getting from Tulum to Punta Allen. Half of the…

Can You Fly a Drone in Sian Ka’an? Mexico (2023 Guide)
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Can You Fly a Drone in Sian Ka’an? Mexico (2023 Guide)

Can you fly a drone in Sian Ka’an? This post answers all of your questions about drone flying in Sian Ka’an and the Quintana Roo area in Mexico. Can you fly a drone in Sian Ka’an? Yes, you are able to fly your drone in Sian Ka’an. Flying drones is legal in Mexico. However, as…