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Is Puerto Escondido Safe? Solo Female Travellers Advice (2023)

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One of the most common questions I get asked is; is Puerto Escondido safe? And is Puerto Escondido safe for solo female travellers? So I’ve rounded up 14 of the best tricks to staying safe in Puerto Escondido and Mexico for your next visit!

One thing you may be thinking about if you’re a female solo traveller, is Puerto Escondido safe for solo female travellers? If you’re backpacking Mexico solo, you’re going to want to know how to navigate the area and how to look after yourself. 

According to Lonely Planet, Oaxaca – where Puerto Escondido is – is one of the safest states in Mexico to visit.

Throughout most of our time in Puerto Escondido, I felt safe. This includes walking around by myself and getting into taxis alone.

However, there were minor fleeting moments when I felt uneasy, or I found myself looking over my shoulder. It is important to know how to stay safe in Puerto Escondido when you’re a solo female traveller or backpacker.  

As always, my DM’s on Instagram are always open, and if you have a question about staying safe in Puerto Escondido, I’d be more than happy to answer!

So, let’s discuss: is Puerto Escondido safe for solo female travellers?

Other Puerto Escondido posts:

Is Puerto Escondido safe? Top 14 tips for staying safe as a female solo traveller

1. Know basic Spanish

This really is the most important piece of advice when backpacking Puerto Escondido.

To stay safe in Puerto Escondido as a solo female traveller, know some basic Spanish. Basic Spanish goes a long way when you’re in Mexico!

Talking to locals in English can come across as ignorant, and most of the time, they just won’t understand you. We can’t expect them to know our language as well as their own!

If you know some basic Spanish, it will also help you out if you’re stuck with something, or need help and advice. It really is key to staying safe in Puerto Escondido.

Download the Duolingo app and start practising at least 3 weeks before you arrive. As little as 15 minutes a day can help you with basic phrases!

If you’re a solo female traveller in Puerto Escondido, here are some helpful phrases in Spanish that you may want to screenshot!

  • Please: por favor
  • Thank you: gracias
  • My name is…: Me llamo…
  • Nice to meet you: Mucho gusto
  • Yes: Si
  • No: No
  • What: que
  • Where: donde
  • Toilet: banos/bano
  • Girls/ladies: mujeres or damas (look for an M or D on the toilet doors)
  • Help: ayuda

2. Stick to busy and well-lit areas

Mexico isn’t known for its well-lit streets, and Puerto Escondido is no exception. As a solo female traveller, stick to busy and well-known roads. If a road you’re heading down looks dark and empty, take a longer route.

Whilst living in Puerto Escondido, there were a few roads I avoided because they just didn’t ‘feel’ safe.

For example, construction carries on until late at night in Mexico. Groups of men are enough to make any solo female traveller feel uneasy. Avoid walking past big groups like this, especially if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

If you can’t avoid them entirely, cross the road and act confident. Nine times out of ten they’re harmless, but the cat-calling and comments are enough to make anyone feel unsafe!

Roads where I felt the safest solo in Puerto Escondido include:

  • The Rinconada restaurant strip – this is always busy and well-lit. It has a friendly atmosphere and is incredibly safe.
  • Centro – around Chedraui and HSBC. These roads again are well-lit and I always felt safe here, even to withdraw money.
  • La Punta main street – La Punta is packed full of tourists and backpackers, and this road is always busy. Apart from a few drunk people, I always felt safe in La Punta.

3. Keep your valuables close to you at all times, and hidden

There are a number of pickpockets and thieves working in Mexico, just like any other country. Personally, I didn’t see this in Puerto Escondido, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen!

There are accounts of phones being snatched out of people’s hands as they’re walking along the street, similar to what happens in Bali, Thailand and even London. It’s a common trick thieves use, as they can drive off quickly on their motorbikes without being caught.

Always have your iPhone in your pocket or bag, safely hidden. Don’t follow a GPS as you’re walking, as you make yourself a target. Look at your route beforehand.

iPhones in particular are prone to be stolen in Puerto Escondido and Mexico. This is because there aren’t any ways to buy Apple products in Mexico (well, very few ways!) so they are worth a LOT of money.

This also means if you get your iPhone stolen in Puerto Escondido, it’s going to be hard to replace.

Keep your Apple products and expensive phones hidden at all times when walking solo in Puerto Escondido.

If you’re a digital nomad and working from your laptop in a cafe, sit in a place out of sight from the public. Whilst working in Tulum, we did hear of multiple laptops being stolen from coffee shops, in broad daylight. An Apple Mac is worth a lot of money – don’t have it out for outsiders to see!

Never walk around Puerto Escondido or Mexico with your laptop on show. Always put it back in your laptop case and in a bag. This goes for any country across the world!

4. Save the Mexican emergency numbers in your phone

Knowing your emergency numbers is vital. Hopefully, you’ll never need to use them, but it’s so important you know them just in case! These numbers are totally free and even work with low signal. 

🦉 For all emergency calls, dial 911 for the fastest response.

If you don’t have a Mexican SIM, this number will still work via your UK/USA contract.

Need somewhere to stay in Puerto Escondido? I recommend this hostel for digital nomads, or this hostel if you are a solo backpacker who wants to party.

Is Puerto Escondido Safe for Solo Female Travellers?
Is Puerto Escondido Safe for Solo Female Travellers?

5. Trust your gut instinct

If you’re backpacking Mexico as a solo female traveller, you’ll find a lot of times you’ll need to rely on the kindness of strangers. 

Most people you talk to and rely on for directions or help are decent human beings, but we all know that sometimes people just don’t have the best intentions. This is when it’s vital to trust your gut. 

Don’t be afraid to lie. It’s way easier to get yourself out of a situation sooner rather than later. 

Be rude if you have to be.

Back in 2018 in Vietnam, my friend and I had to jump out of a taxi driver’s car mid-drive (I kid you not, I wish I had it on video) because he was giving us such scary vibes. We later found out he was scamming us out of $100.

It was awkward, but I immediately had a bad gut feeling about him.

Turns out when I checked my money-converting app, I was right. Trust your gut!

6. Avoid walking around alone at night

This is a general rule of thumb across Mexico. Whilst in Puerto Escondido, avoid walking around solo at night.

If you need to travel, use a taxi. Taxis in Puerto Escondido are safe and reliable. Just make sure they’re registered and again, trust your gut.

However, if you DO need to walk around for any reason at night, stick to well-lit areas. This goes back to point number 1, and is so important. Do not walk down any quiet, side streets that you don’t know at 3AM in the morning.

Need advice about the best ways to get around Puerto Escondido? Check out my post: Getting Around Puerto Escondido in 2022: A Complete Guide.

Is Puerto Escondido Safe for Solo Female Travellers?
Streets in La Punta

7. Always let someone know where you are, or where you’re going

Another way of staying safe in Puerto Escondido is to always let someone know where you are.

Similar to location tracking, smartphones are great at allowing anyone to track your taxi or journey. This is so important when you’re travelling alone!

But I know this can be hard when you’re backpacking in a country with a time zone completely different to your family and friends back home. And do you really want to keep bothering them with your location?

You have two choices.

A) You don’t care about ‘bothering’ them, as they love you and want to keep you safe! You ask them to keep an eye when you’re doing uncomfortable or long journeys. This is great!

B) If the time zone is too difficult, let someone in your hostel know where you’re going. You don’t need to tell them your life story, or what you’re doing, but if you’re visiting somewhere new (or meeting someone new!) someone should know where you are. If you can, exchange numbers with someone at your hostel. It’s likely you won’t need to use it, but it’s an extra layer of security.

Looking for the best hostels in Puerto Escondido? I’ve got you covered! Check out my post: Best Hostels in Puerto Escondido For Backpackers (2022 Guide)

8. Avoid using your headphones at night

This is common sense when backpacking Mexico solo. If you have music on full blast playing through your earphones and you can’t hear anything that’s going on around you, you’re going to be less aware of your surroundings, ultimately making you more vulnerable.

I’d strongly advise walking without headphones late at night in Puerto Escondido.

9. Always carry a portable charger

If you’re backpacking Puerto Escondido alone, I advise you to always carry a portable charger for your mobile phone.

Not only is this needed for directions and communication, but it’s vital that you have a phone battery in emergencies. Can you imagine that uncomfortable gut feeling whilst having a dead phone?

Portable chargers aren’t that expensive, and you can buy a tiny one that fits into your purse or pocket. It may seem annoying, but trust me, it could save your life! You can buy my favourite and most reliable portable charger here. It lasts up to 4-5 charges!

Is Puerto Escondido Safe for Solo Female Travellers?
Puerto Escondido safety

10. Prep your route before travelling, and know it well

Anyone can spot a backpacker looking lost and confused on the street. Imagine the wrong pair of eyes see this? You could be putting yourself in a really vulnerable position by not knowing what you’re doing.

Always be sure to know your route home, especially if you’re travelling home solo. If you end up in a new bar or location, do a quick Google search to check your journey back. Or, if all else fails, jump into a taxi.

Taxis are everywhere in Puerto Escondido and you’ll never have to wait more than a few minutes for one.

If a person on the street asks where you’re staying or where you’re travelling to, don’t be afraid to lie. It’s normal to not let everyone know where you’re going. 

11. Act confident (even if you aren’t)

Even if deep down you’re feeling way out of your depth and like you just want to crawl up into a little ball and cry. You’ve got this!

If you look scared, worried or confused, people will pick up on it. And quick. Walk with purpose, intent and confidence, fully aware of your surroundings. Act confident, even if you’re not.

12. Stay in hostels

As a backpacker myself, I’m a big advocate for hostels. Staying in hostels means you can make friends from day one, and there are people around you immediately.

During your stay at a hostel, you might become friends with a group of people and end up travelling around with them. Or, you might book tours and activities with the hostel, which again are always done in big, safe groups.

Hostels are a great way to stay safe whilst travelling Puerto Escondido. The reception desk is there to listen to you if you have any worries or fears, and they put your safety first.

Check out my favourite Puerto Escondido hostels for safety here.

I recommend this hostel for digital nomads, or this hostel if you are a solo backpacker who wants to party.

13. Book a group tour, or join a surf/Spanish school

Another great way to stay safe in Puerto Escondido is to throw yourself into a group tour. There are so many Spanish and surf schools in the area, and some have rooms and organise events on-site.

Booking a group tour, volunteering with Worldpackers or learning a new skill ensures you are in a safe environment. You’ll meet people with similar interests to you, at a similar age, as well as have a point of call in any emergencies.

They’ll have your back from day 1!

14. Be kind

Being kind to others will actually help you to stay safe in Puerto Escondido. The last thing you want to do is treat the locals like a walking Sat-Nav or accessory.

Treat them like a friend. Use basic Spanish. Even simple ‘gracias’ and ‘por favor’ will make a difference. In general, people in Puerto Escondido are kind and welcoming. If you treat them well, they’ll do their best to return the favour.

Be conscious of your body language, and your wording. Look people directly in the eye if you’re speaking to them. Smile, greet them in Spanish and say goodbye. It will make the world of difference! Being kind will directly impact how safe you are on your trip to Puerto Escondido.

Is Puerto Escondido Safe for Solo Female Travellers?
Is Puerto Escondido Safe for Solo Female Travellers?

Useful apps for staying safe in Puerto Escondido

  • Google Maps allows you to follow area maps even when you’re offline. Download some of your local areas before heading out to ensure you can travel safely on the right route at any time. 
  • Shake2Safety allows users to input emergency contacts to which a message, location, audio or photo can be sent in an emergency situation. Simply shake your phone or click the unlock button 4 times to send the alert. This can also be used without wifi and when your phone is locked. 
  • The Circle of 6 app allows you to save 6 contacts of your choice which can be notified in just two taps if you’re in an emergency situation.
  • As horrible as it sounds, One scream works by being able to detect the scream of a panicked female. A loud siren will go off, and after 20 seconds an automated voice call and message will be sent to your emergency contacts. 
Is Puerto Escondido Safe for Solo Female Travellers?
La Punta streets in Puerto Escondido

Where to stay if you are a solo female backpacker in Puerto Escondido

If you are backpacking Puerto Escondido as a solo female traveller, I recommend staying in the following areas:

These areas are typically the safest when it comes to tourists and backpackers. They’re also areas we found to be the safest, friendliest and easiest to get around Puerto Escondido.

If you’re a solo female traveller in Puerto Escondido, I recommend staying in a hostel when you first arrive. Even if you want to get your own space after, a hostel means you can meet other people and get to know the areas first.

An area that feels safe to me, might not feel as safe to you! Check out each area in Puerto Escondido before you put down a long-term lease.

Looking for the best and safest hostels in Puerto Escondido? Check out my post: Best Hostels in Puerto Escondido For Backpackers.

Is Puerto Escondido safe? FAQs

What is the crime rate in Puerto Escondido Mexico?

The crime rate in Puerto Escondido in 2023 is moderate. However, the chances of being attacked, insulted or subject to a physical attack because of your skin colour, ethnic origin, gender or religion is low.

According to Numbeo.com, it is exceptionally safe to walk around Puerto Escondido during the day, and moderately safe to walk around Puerto Escondido at night.

Other cities in Mexico, such as Puebla, Mexico City and San Miguel de Allende are all considered a ‘high’ level of crime. Puerto Escondido is one of the safest areas in Mexico for female solo travellers.

Is Puerto Escondido safe at night?

So, is Puerto Escondido safe at night? According to Numbeo.com, it is moderately safe to walk around Puerto Escondido at night. Throughout our time living in Puerto Escondido, we felt safe walking around at night, but if I was alone, I would take a taxi for the longest part of my journey.

Taxis in Puerto Escondido are safe and reliable. Take a taxi if you are unsure about walking around at night, or have to walk a long distance. Of course, walking around anywhere at night is a bit more daunting than during the day. Be aware of your surroundings, use common sense and you will be ok.

Is Puerto Escondido safe for solo female travellers? In a Nutshell

So, is Puerto Escondido safe for solo female travellers? Overall, yes. Puerto Escondido is a safe area for solo female travellers to visit in Mexico. As I previously mentioned, there were very few times in Puerto Escondido that I felt unsafe. 

In summary, be kind, be aware, be ready and notify friends of your location. Keep them in the loop – it could save your life!

I hope this post has helped you with some ideas for staying safe in Puerto Escondido, and you’ll feel more confident to plan it into your Mexico itinerary!

As always, my DM’s are open on Instagram, and if you have any worries or questions, you can contact me on there or in the comments below. 

Stay safe! 🙂

Jennie x

Other Puerto Escondido posts:



Jennie Wanders Avatar

Hi! I'm Jennie! As a part-time travel blogger based in London, I'm using my 10+ years of travel expertise to encourage & inspire you to step out of your comfort zone through sustainable, mindful and purposeful travel.

If I'm not writing, I'm either reading, drinking coffee or taking a wild swim (all at the same time if I'm feeling impressive).

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