Xebec Tri-Screen 2 Review: A Digital Nomad’s Dream

Some links in this post contain affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you use the links at no extra cost to you! Happy reading 😀

As digital nomads and creators who run their entire businesses online, having the right equipment to allow our day to run smoothly is crucial.

Things like a good Internet connection, a working laptop, enough space to work and of course, access to unlimited coffee (😏) are all things that help us to do our jobs to the best of our abilities.

Xebec Tri-Screen Review (5)
Using the Xebec on the road has completely changed our digital nomad experience

But what helps us to really go the extra mile? To push us to be as creative as possible when we’re not in our home office? Without access to post-it notes, noticeboards, calendars and colour-coordinated planners at our fingertips?!

When we’re travelling (which as travel bloggers, is quite often), we have to limit the amount of tech we travel with. As long as we have everything that we need to do our day job, we don’t want any extra weight holding us back.

So when we found out about the Xebec Tri-Screen, we wondered if carrying something extra would be worth it. How heavy would it be? Would it take up a lot of space? Will it help us to be more productive?

(But I’ll be honest, as we’ve become so used to working with multiple screens at home, we really hoped the portable multi-screen would live up to expectations and become a solid addition to our travel tech bag!)

After trialling the Xebec Tri-Screen 2 just a few times, we knew it was a game-changer. It completely transformed the way we work when on the go. Working from the van, on the side of the road, was now a whole lot easier (and more fun).

In addition to the Xebec Tri-Screen literally extending our laptop to three HD screens, we’ve found it has worked wonders for our productivity levels. Now all of our finicky, awkward laptop jobs can be completed anywhere in the world.

In the following post, although sponsored by Xebec, we would like to put forward our honest opinions about using the Xebec Tri-Screen as a digital nomad. Spoiler alert: it is incredible!

*We received the Xebec Tri-Screen 2 in 2023 to test and try the additional screens as digital nomads working around the world. This post is sponsored, but we will never recommend a product that we don’t truly love or use on a regular basis.*

Xebec Tri-Screen 2 Review: My Honest Review

Let’s start at the beginning.

When the Xebec Tri-Screen arrived, I was surprised to see how beautifully it was packaged. With a colourful, illustrated campervan sitting on the horizon, with a slogan that reads ‘free yourself‘ staring back at me, the Xebec immediately won a few brownie points!

As I carefully unwrapped my new product, I started to feel a little overwhelmed by the number of small boxes and leads that were included. I needn’t have been worried – setting the Xebec up was simple from start to finish, and we managed to connect it to my Macbook Air within a few minutes!

As the additional screens lit up, I was able to change my settings on the Macbook to show three separate tabs across my laptop. I couldn’t believe how easy it was – and how much of a difference it made to my productivity.

It was a case of the shiny object syndrome at first, but even after a few months, the novelty of using the Xebec hasn’t worn off!

It’s also incredibly compact and lightweight. This was something that did concern me; would I want to be lugging it around in my hand luggage? Carrying it across the world?

But it’s barely noticeable. It slips on and off of my laptop so easily that I can pack it away within a few seconds. It’s also light enough to not feel any additional weight, and portable enough to use in the pub, cafes, on the road or pretty much anywhere that I’d be using my laptop.

The screen resolution is a lot better than I expected!

As the screens are quite small, I didn’t have high expectations for the resolution. How mistaken I was!

The 1920 x 1200 full HD LCD IPS panels are excellent, and I even use my Xebec Tri-Screen when in my home office (meaning I ignore my large monitors for days on end).

If the screens are a little too small to read from, you can adjust the zoom. I use this feature often (as well as sometimes playing Netflix on one screen whilst I’m doing boring admin tasks on the other!)

“Free yourself” couldn’t be a more fitting company slogan.

The whole history of Xebec and why the company was created resonates so much with me. From budding travellers wanting to make working on the road accessible for all, the Xebec Tri-Screen has made one giant leap in allowing digital nomads to ‘free themselves’.

Now instead of yearning to close my laptop and explore from the moment I wake up, meaning I fall behind on tasks and end up overwhelmed at the end of the week, I’m happy to do a few hours of work on my Tri-Screen and stay in check (just as I would at home).

It’s a touch of luxury whilst travelling, but it’s also a necessity for staying focused and being able to complete tasks that you would be able to at home. For me, this makes Xebec worth every penny.

Why the Xebec Tri-Screen is perfect for digital nomads

As previously mentioned, as digital nomads, we need to make sure our luggage is as light and compact as possible. Adding additional tech for the sake of it just isn’t happening.

Luckily, as the Xebec is so portable and versatile, this isn’t a problem.

It barely adds any additional weight and is easy to use even in the most public of places. We even took our Xebec screen to the pub one day!

The additional screens take up barely any extra space. In fact, they take up less space than when I have my planner, notebook and notepad on the table to make the notes I need with just one screen!

The Xebec screen also works on almost any laptop, and you can leave it fitted and ready-to-use for as long as you need.

When we’re on the road, the Xebec doesn’t tend to come off of our Macbook, as we’re just so used to having it on whilst we’re working.

It really is the digital nomad’s dream.

TOP TIP: The Xebec screens run off your laptop’s battery. To save power, turn down the additional screen brightness if your laptop isn’t plugged into a power outlet.

Xebec Tri-Screen Review
Xebec Tri-Screen Review
Xebec Tri-Screen Review
Xebec Tri-Screen Review

Purchasing a Xebec Tri-Screen

Buying the Xebec Tri-Screen 2 is simple, and if you’re based in Europe, the US or Canada, shipping is free. You can check out the Xebec screen, current prices, discounts and deals here.

Orders will typically reach you within 1 to 5 business days (depending on location), but again, if you have a question, be sure to reach out to the guys at Xebec. They’re lovely!

About Xebec

Xebec was founded with a simple mission: to enable anyone to work from anywhere“.

With Xebec’s simple mission, the ultimate innovative product to make this a reality was born.

Xebec promotes the idea of ‘freeing yourself’ during your everyday work life. Not feeling tied to a home office or desk, with those on the road not needing to sacrifice productivity.

In 2019, the first Tri-Screen launched, and the world of flexible work was changed forever.

Now we all get to dip our toes in the ‘free yourself‘ lifestyle, whilst maximising our productivity working alongside some of the most beautiful places in the world.

“Choose to live life on your own terms and bring your work along for the ride.”

What an amazing way to look at our digital nomad life! We really are a group of people who do not live to work, but work to live.

Xebec Tri-Screen 2 Review: In a Nutshell

Overall, the Xebec Tri-Screen 2 is a great addition to any digital nomad’s backpack. It’s lightweight, compact, and easy to use.

Most importantly, it has a direct impact on my productivity when it comes to working in beautiful places that require a lot of extra concentration!

With it being so user-friendly and portable to take anywhere in the world (the Xebec Tri-Screen will be coming on all of our travels now), it’s a resource we recommend to all remote workers and digital nomads.

So, if you’re looking for something to uplevel your digital nomad life, make sure the Xebec Tri-Screen is on your list!

Got a question about the Xebec Tri-Screen? Let me know over on jennie(@)jenniewanders.com or contact Xebec directly at contact@xebecsupport.com.

Xebec Tri-Screen Review (5)
We even used our screen in the pub!


Jennie Wanders Avatar

Hi! I'm Jennie! As a part-time travel blogger based in London, I'm using my 10+ years of travel expertise to encourage & inspire you to step out of your comfort zone through sustainable, mindful and purposeful travel.

If I'm not writing, I'm either reading, drinking coffee or taking a wild swim (all at the same time if I'm feeling impressive).